Sunday, October 5, 2008

reading journal #1 on 520 reading assignment

The biggest difference between academic reading and reading for pleasure is your reading motive.
The purpose of academic reading is to teach you knowledge and skills. You receive the information passively, so you may forget it soon. However, academic reading is an essential part to your study, you have to try your best to memorize them. Besides, some material of academic reading are not that vivid, even out of date. Sometimes it's very long and complicated and you need to finish reading it on time. What's worse, you must focus your mind on the article so you may get tired easily. As a result, many students do not like reading academic material. On the contrary, reading for pleasure is more popular among students. They can choose some topics that they interestd in. It's a initiative selection. You can receive knowledge unconsciously while enjoying yourself. The purpose of reading for pleasure are devided. Some are just in order to amuse you, but some are also useful to broaden your horizon.
In my opinion, I prefer reading for pleasure. When I was young, exactly before my high school, I had read a lot of novels and fictions. This really help me in my study gradually and unconsciously, especially in my writing. But after I stepped into high school, the heavy study led to a serious problem. I had no more time to continue my reading. If I had time, I think I would have read some newspapers or magazine. Gradually, I felt hard to finish my composition perfectly.
Now I enjoy reading material about business and commerce. It's very important to select the right material to read,that means you have to choose a good publisher and focus on the books which are appropriate to your ambition. Reading for pleasure does not mean to read aimlessly. You should do learn something instead of spending your time. You should learn some latest information to help you adjust to the modern world.
When I do some academic reading, I like to sit in a quiet place, with a pen on my hand in order to mark some sentences. Also thinking about the potencial meaning. But I like reading for pleasure lying on my bed, imagining what I can do when these occurred to me. This is a very useful way to digest the auther's opinion.
Thank you for your reading. What's your opinion? Please add some comments after reading.


Cha-cha (Chao Wang) said...

Hi,shiyi, a handsome boy in my class. Nice to meet your blog.
I strongly agree with your poinion about "Reading for pleasure does not mean to read aimlessly" We definitly can find the balance between the academic and pleasure reading and once holding the joy wiht reading skills you can perform your reading experience as easy as you can image.
Plus I love to find a place to read in peace just you do. Hope you can find your best space in vancouver.

Eilidh said...

Hi Shiyi:
I enjoyed reading your first journal entry about your thoughts on the differences between these two types of reading.
Please remember to check your work carefully before posting. Even though you are writing a blog and it may seem informal, you are still writing for a class assignment, and so you still need to edit and proofread, just as you would with any writing for class. Some items in this first journal which need attention are:
-to memorise them (s/v agreement)
- some material are (s/v agreement)
_that they interstd in (no verb!/spelling)
I felt hard (should be 'it was hard')
- you should do learn something (2 verbs!)
I am only pointing these out to you so that you can look over your
journal and try to see if you can see any other errors. You don't want any of your readers to be distracted by these, right?
I am looking forward to your next entry!